Thursday, May 21, 2009

I am the ''hero''

why do i say so?? because i was a warrior who walked into the battlefield ... and yet ... battled without any weapons...^.^
i sat for History Paper 1 examination today...but ...without any of the i had insufficient time for to study...that's why ''i went in without weapons'' xD
This is an setara examination... so i got the answers from my friends who had finished sitting for the examination 2 days earlier than us...At the very start i figured on to cheat because i did not wish to get too low marks for this paper...i decided to revise for this subject during this weekend as the examination should be on next week , timetable had been changed 2 days before this>.<
I brought the paper which i wrote the answers on into the class , but before the examination start , i THROWN IT AWAY~~
how could i betray my own principle...!!!!!@.@
but very luckily i knew how to do most of the question=.=
i do not wish and target for a high marks...
but at least A2 including Paper 2 la ... Hope God Bless Me...
wohoo~~nice day^.^

1 comment:

  1. well good n glad hear u throw away the ans..
    bt r u sure???


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